Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why Blog?

I can't speak for anyone else, but my reason for this blog is to write. Aside from a small group of writers in Charleston, South Carolina, with whom I spent 10 Wednesday evenings a year for seven and half years, I can't imagine why anyone would want to read this. But I need to write it.

So here is what it comes down to for me. While in Charleston, I could quite legitimately say that my ex wife had created a financial situation that was both crippling and insurmountable. In order to provide better for my kids I had to move back to Niagara Falls, Ontario and at the age of forty move us in with my parents. I have great parents. I know you rarely hear that, but it is true. Anyway, back to my original point: now that I have the support that I have been saying that I needed, will I actually knuckle down and do the things I told everyone that I could do once I had this support.

And let me say that the kids and I are super busy getting settled in, but in quiet moments I find I have the time to feel both the joy of having come home and the loss of so many good friends in the South.


Dave Moulton said...

Hi Grant,
You have not lost your friends from the South; you have only become separated by some miles in between.

It is a pleasure and a privilege to count you among my many friends, and this blog is a wonderful way to stay in touch. It doesn’t hold the pressure to answer immediately that an email does. It is less work on your part because one post will reach many people.

I send my best wishes for your new life, and look forward to reading about your progress here, and seeing a photo or two of a different part of the world.

Best regards, David.

Mary O said...

Glad to hear you're getting settled "up North." You'll surely be missed tonight. I talked to RoseMarie yesterday and she's come up with an idea for the Niagra Falls prompt. 'Course she didn't come up with it till yesterday morning, but still. I haven't come up with anything yet! YOINK!

We're trying to motivate each other to send out pieces to various places for publication and hopefully, that will lead us someplace. There's a new sci-fi contest she caught wind of to send her short story about the guy being thrown off the building. And I just need to WORK on all my pieces that are begging to be worked on. I'm really such a spoiled brat I guess I'm waiting for something to fall in my lap like things basically HAVE all my life.

Ahhh, but we won't get into that here (whew! you say, dodged THAT bullet!) Hahaha!

Anyway, I've "favoritized" your blog and it'll be great to stay in touch.
Take care,
Mary Ogden Fersner
(Mary O)